Last week in Sunday School Peter was teaching us through the seventh (7th) question of the larger catechism, “What is God?” As we went through that lesson we were reminded that as finite beings we are bound by time and God is not. Even the illustrations we try and use to describe how God is beyond time fail because of the incomprehensibility of God. We cannot imagine life without time.
I read an interesting article on time and our perception of time a few weeks ago. Our brains do some fascinating things regarding time. For instance, when in a stressful situation and our adrenaline rushes it causes our brain to record more information than normal. This gives the effect of time slowing down. I remember this vividly in two separate incidents in my life. One was a car accident where time seemed to slow down for those few seconds. The other was when I was fishing as a boy and my over exuberant cast send me over the bank with the fishing pole. Time “seemed” to slow down but in reality it was merely the wonderful creative way God created our brains to deal with different situations.Most of the time, it seems to us that the clock rushes on. Summer is quickly fading away and schedules will settle into a fall routine. School will begin for students. Traffic will lighten at the shore. Life will move into the next season. Before we know it winter will hit and we will long forget the few days of unbearable heat and humidity and we will wish it would simply warm up again. Only to repeat this cycle again in 2017.
As the days go quickly by, don’t forget the most important things in life. Hebrews 10:24, 25, “And let us consider how too stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Neglecting to meet with other believers on the Lord’s Day is not a modern phenomenon, believers needed that encouragement then as now.First, since we are headed into a new season of the year, go grab your calendar right now (if you have a paper one that is) and write on every Sunday, “the public and private exercises of God’s Worship”. Then simply don’t put anything else on that day. If we order our weeks first and foremost then it will help us to order the rest of our days.Second, make sure you are taking time for prayer and Bible reading each day. Set aside time for yourself and as a family. Read the Bible with others. Pray as a family. Sing together. There are a lot of things we can do in our lives and we get so busy that we neglect the most important.
Third, schedule some time for fellowship with other believers. Take advantage of the fellowship meals. Invite another Christian family to your home. Plan time where you can get to know others in the body of Christ.I am sure there are many other things you could add to your list of important things but do not neglect the most important things. It is my prayer that your faith would continue to increase and grow. For that to happen, we have to draw lines in the sand and say my relationship with Christ and with the covenant community he has placed me in is the most important thing in my life. For God has called us to glorify Him and to enjoy Him forever.