“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” Colossians 3:1-2
Where are our minds set? On things above? Or on the things of the earth? I encourage you to read further in Colossians 3 where Paul speaks of putting off the old self and putting on the new self. As Christians we are to be ever changing and being molded into the image of Christ in our sanctification.
We should strive to live in such a way that the world takes notice of something different in us. That we live as those who have been called out of darkness and into light. We know the commands to be salt and light. We are not called to totally separate ourselves from the world in which we live. We can and should take dominion as God enables us. But we, in many ways, do not fit in. We do not or we should not live as the rest of the world does.
And yet it is hard for us to live separate lives. Are we more familiar with the ins and outs of politics, and the current news, or what the latest in entertainment is, or the best seller lists, and following our favorite sports teams than we are with what is in the word of God? Maybe we fit in too much at times.
Start this week by establishing some different habits. Can you name the books of Scripture? If not, work on memorizing them. Do you know what each book is about? If not, work on researching at least a summary of each book. Spend some extra time in reading more Scripture instead of a favorite novel. Listen to our Sunday School lessons on sermon audio or attend the next class. Let us all continue to work on our knowledge of the things of God so that our interactions with the world will be from a godly and scriptural perspective.